Collaborating with the Fieldcraft Studios, the brief from BBC BiteSize was to find and art direct 7 religious influencers in creating TikTok videos about the main festivals of the 7 main faiths of the UK.
The content was targeted at students 13-16 years old and had to be accurate with the GCSE syllabus but resonate with a TikTok audience.
The main aim of the project was to drive engagement and subscriber numbers to the BBC BiteSize TikTok channel and its website full of learning resources.
A concept deck was drafted to present to the BBC suggesting ideas that the influencers we find may wish to follow or take inspiration from.
Any notion of a brand backed message, and feeling that the influencer is being told what to say will lead to low engagement and negative feeling on the TikTok platform, so the influencers had to take the lead.
Making a pancake and explaining Lent, as they toss their pancake we jump-cut to a different member of the family as each pancake lands they each explain what they are giving up for Lent.
A brash, in your face, deconstruct of Easter and all the elements that are enjoyed around the festival, and their significance to the story of Easter fronted by a charismatic influencer.
Influencer goes through their most treasured Christmas decorations. Some bizarre, some sentimental, some with religious connotations as they explain and prepare for the festival ahead.
Influencer raps about their experiences of the many traditions and customs of Ramadan before moving through to a living room where the rest of the family joins in to celebrate.
A feast table is introduced by our influencer with a run-down of the dishes and ingredients served as an introduction to the festival. They then go on to explain the tale of the goat and the pilgrimage and why Eid is important to Muslims.
A young Buddhist influencer journeys to their temple (Wimbledon) to mediate and read from the Nirvana Sutra, then meet up with friends and family for a feast and debate about meditation and enlightenment.
Tutorial on how to make a Buddhist lantern, with a few simple folds and glues. Presented by a young Buddhist along with a family member who both explain the significance of the festival.
Influencer demonstrates a typical Diwali dance, the actions explain the traditions and background to the festival. Once the steps are explained, music is turned up and he/she is joined by the rest of the family to dance together.
Close up of coloured powder pots, as our influencer explains how they are made and what they signify. The pots are then grabbed and the camera follows as the powders are thrown at family and friends.
Fast cuts of influencer dramatically grabbing friends and apologising for silly and half-serious wrongs they have done in the previous year. Video finishes with the protagonist briefly explaining Yom Kippur and then blowing the Shofar.
A young Jewish influencer feeds the six foods of the Seder Plate to a friend who is blindfolded and challenged to guess what they are (Bush-tucker trial style) and explaining their meaning to the Passover festival.
Working with an established influencer we create a rap which details elements of Hanukkah in a humorous way – we meet members of the family and use photographs edited into the film of the families previous Hanukkah celebrations.
A Dhol drummer gets dressed and prepares before standing up and striking a rhythm as they walk outside and are joined in procession by friends and family. Text overlays explain the details of the festival as the various elements are introduced.
Stunning time-lapse of the sun rising and setting and then the night sky. Voiceover / text and presented sections from our Pagan influencer and friends, as they explain the significance of Yule to their lives.
A variety of influencers and religious activists with widely differing styles, each representing a specific faith.
Some with large follower numbers, some with unexpected talents.
Primary school PE teacher with some serious dance moves!
A quirky foodie whose hilarious recipes and reviews come from her car
Multi-charactered frantic imaginings focussed on all aspects of Sikhism
A lively and enthusiastic manager based at the London Buddhist Centre
Indian classical dance expert / BBC Young Dancer of the Year 2022
A traveller on a life-mission to keep travelling and spreading the love
High Priestess of a Coven who conducts many ceremonies and events
After discussing the rough concepts with a selection of influencers the ideas were adapted to fit with their TikTok styles and rough drafts were created and approved by the BBC, before final edits made and videos supplied for the BBC to promote form their BiteSize account.
The videos were posted throughout the year on or around the dates that their corresponding festivals took place, and the influencers were on hand to engage with comments and questions.
Converted to a mate’s night in, the concept was filmed with fast edits and commentary explaining the background of the festival before a quick sequence of the friends each attempting to flip their pancakes as they announce what they are giving up for Lent.
Adapted fro Lizzie’s dance skills, the Easter story is related as she enters into a dark underpass. On-screen type delivers a short message before emerging the other side to reveal the light, colourful graffiti and a dance full of life and joy.
Utilising Lizzie’s acting skills, the Christmas story is related from it’s various cast members as if from diary-room on a reality TV show. Make-shift costumes and modern slang bring the well-know story of the Nativity right up to date.
Underratedhijabi made a name for themselves by assembling various sweet dishes either from the front seat or boot of their car. They applied the same approach to highlight a popular snack most Muslims break their daily fasts with during the month of Ramadan.
Preparing another popular snack from this Islamic festival, underratedhijabi explains the detail behind the festival as she mixes the ingredients together, and of course finished off the video with a good mouthful towards the camera.
Freja, one of the administrators at the London Buddhist Centre, decorates the centre’s shrine and takes us through all the various activities undergone during Nirvana Day at a typical Buddhist temple.
Freja takes us through a typical Wesak day at the London Buddhist Centre. The day when Buddha finally attained enlightenment is celebrated with meditation, talks and sharing meals.
Indian Contemporary dancer and winner of BBC Young Dancer 2022, Adhya Shastry was the perfect influencer to take us through the 3 best dance moves for Diwali, while explaining a bit of background and history to the festival
Adya takes us through a personal journey of Holi as a celebration of the coming of spring. Footage of a past celebration in India as well as applying coloured powder to her parents are edited with a detailed background on the festival.
TravelReligiously takes us through the day of Yom Kippur and interviews her friends as to what they find most challenging about 25 hours of fasting, what they wish to be forgiven for and what their main regrets in life are.
A blind taste test of the Jewish Seder plate with some young followers. TravelReligiously takes us through the 6 symbolic foods and what they represent in the story of Exodus.
TravelReligiously explains the story of Hannukah while fixing candles in her Menorah candelabra. With. the help of her young followers she demonstrates the game of Dreidel and also feasting on oily foods to symbolise the candle oil.
Preet takes us through the main facts of Vaisakhi in the form of a gameshow. Three questions asked and answered by Preet in various guises highlight the background of this holy day for Sikhs all around the world.
Alexia takes us out to her sacred woods, where she celebrates Yule. She decorates her tree and explains the background to the festival and the nature-base of the Pagan religion and ceremonies.